Sarah Jackman
Preston Hull (10) and Neil Butler (11) welcome the Rams to the 2018 Ram Fam Assembly. This year's weather looks cool and clear, so the assembly should take place outside.
Monday 22nd – PJ DAY!
Come out to support the men’s and women’s track team at Dalzell Stadium!
The track meet begins at 4:30!
Tuesday 23rd – Team Day!
Come watch men’s and woman’s soccer take place at Dalzell as they face inner city team, Dubuque Hempstead!
Men’s JV, 4:15 @ Dalzell
Women’s JV, 4:15 @ Hempstead
Man’s Varsity 6:00 @ Dalzell
Women’s Varsity 8:00 @ Dalzell
Wednesday, 24th – Crazy Socks Day!
Trivia Night!
Begins @6:30-8 in the Cafeteria
Thursday, 25th – Student / Teacher Flip Day!
(students dress like teachers while teachers dress like students)
Support time – Flexisched to Mr. Leytem to attend a seminar about mental health awareness. Learn about the stigma around mental health and resources for support
Womens Tennis meet @ 4:00 (Senior)
Womans soccer JV @ 5:30 & Varsity @ 7:00 (Dalzell
Friday, 26th – Spirit Out! (wear your Ram colors!)
The RamFam Assembly will take place during school on the Softball Field.
Field game and activities will take place with snacks thrown in the mix as well!
Saturday, 27th – PROM!!
Prom is from 8-11 PM at The Grand River Center
Juniors and Seniors and their guests can enjoy a fun night of dancing!