Give your breakfast a makeover

Maddie Hendricks, Rampage Reporter

Are you struggling through the same old, boring breakfast every day? Or worse, not eating breakfast at all?

This compilation of recipes is just what you need to fix up your morning meal routine!

Peanut Butter Banana Toast

This isn’t just your basic piece of toast, this recipe calls for your favorite type of bread, peanut butter, with sliced bananas, and a drizzle of sweet honey. If allergic to peanut butter you can use almond butter or even sunflower butter.  You could even add shredded coconut, granola, or cinnamon to sprinkle on top as well. This recipe should only take 5 minutes and is much better than a piece of toast with just butter.


Strawberry Banana Smoothie

A smoothie is an easy on the go kind of breakfast and can be personalized to your liking. There are a variety of smoothies you can make with different fruits and even vegetables. This recipe uses fresh or frozen strawberries and bananas, ice (if you use fresh fruit), yogurt or milk (unless you want it to be dairy free you could use coconut yogurt or almond milk), and even some honey to add some extra sweetness!


Overnight Oats

Oats are perfect to eat for a student who doesn’t have much time to eat breakfast. You can make this the night before and grab it right out of the refrigerator! To make these you need oats of your choosing, peanut butter or almond butter to add creaminess, milk of choice, and fruit for some extra flavor (typically berries). You can also add chia seeds or a drizzle of any sweetener like maple syrup or honey to your final product. This recipe can be made dairy free, vegan, and nut free so it’s perfect for everyone!


English Muffin Sandwich

If you find yourself with extra time in the morning this recipe is perfect! You need English muffins for the breading of the sandwich, butter, eggs prepared any way you want (usually for this sandwich it would be friend or over easy), shredded or sliced cheese of your choosing, and any type of meat like sausage, bacon, or ham. You could also add hot sauce for an extra kick or maple syrup for a sweet and salty flavor!