Stay Home, Stay Busy

Aubrey Goedken, Rampage Reporter

As our world is changing, so can we. We can all turn this pandemic emergency into a positive for our self. Things like working out and eating healthy, which used to seem impossible because of how little time we had, have become possible. Now you have so much time on your hands you can get a new hobby. You don’t have to watch the days go by; get outside and play a game. Just because we are at home, doesn’t mean we need to sit on the couch and binge watch tv. Here are some ways to keep a productive schedule to make the best of this break at home.

Wake up Early. Just because we are at home doesn’t mean we should sleep in. As the hours tick by and you’re sleeping, you’re wasting valuable parts of your day. Studies show if you wake up later you might wake up more tired. Also, if you wake up earlier it can make you feel more productive and ready for the day. If you can’t get up or fell like you want to go back to bed and don’t want to do anything, take a cold shower. This is supposed to give you a higher state of alertness and concentrate better on what you want to do leaving you ready for a productive day.

Get Dressed. I know, “why get dressed when I’m not going anywhere.” If you just sit in your pjs all day you might feel less put together and ready to sit on the couch all day. If you get dressed on the other hand, it puts you in a good mood, and a lot of things can come from a good mood. It also makes you feel more productive.

Less Electronics. When were bored usually the first thing we do is go on our phones. One we start looking through social media we set a time we will stop looking at our phone, but it never works because you keep finding new things that you want to look at or watch. Now, I’m not saying we shouldn’t go on our phones at all but maybe have a certain time when you wake up or something that you go on social media and then after that don’t let it interfere with your active and productive day.

Try a New Recipe. What better way to spend your time then cooking. If it’s cold outside or raining this is a great activity to do inside. Make dinner for your family and don’t be afraid to get creative. Experiment with different things and maybe the end of it you will have a new family favorite.

Bake. If you don’t want to cook a meal try baking something from a box, or even from scratch. Baking can be very fun and entertaining! Once you are done backing you can decorate. If you baked a cake frost it and get creative while trying to decorate it. Take your time and create a masterpiece.

Go Outside. If it is nice outside go out and get some fresh air. Weather it is playing a game making and obstacle course or just sitting and thinking, fresh air can make you feel more awake, and like you want to do something. Why stay cooped up inside when you can be outside enjoying the day and making the most of this break.

Start Working Out. Now that we are all at home all the time our excuse that we don’t have enough time to work out and exercise doesn’t work. If you have always wanted to work out but never had the time now’s your chance. Even if we can’t go to gyms there are plenty of programs that offer at home workouts with no equipment. If you don’t want to work out, you should still exercise. It will help keep our body’s healthy during this time. Just be active for a small part of the day and your exercise is complete.