Local elections just as important as Presidential

Stephen Matthew Milligan

The Iowa State House, located in Des Moines, Iowa, is where those elected do much of their work This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Olivia Reinert, Rampage Reporter

With a new President having just been sworn in, it is sometimes hard to remember that presidential elections are not the only opportunity to participate in the choosing of our government officials.

In the 2020 election, 66.8% of the population contributed, which is the highest voter turnout yet. However, this statistic means 34% of the country still decided to sit out!

It is important for the nation’s youth to not add to that percentage, for there are many reasons why a person should vote, not only in the presidential elections, but in local ones, as well.

It is arguable that local elections affect certain parts of the country more than the ones for the Chief of State—while the entire country has its eyes turned towards the president, less scrutiny is placed on local leaders, such as state governors, state legislatures, and state senates. These are the people who are directly working with Iowans.

The next midterm elections will take place on November 8th, 2022.

State and Local leaders up for reelection include Governor Kim Reynolds, Senator Chuck Grassley, and all four of Iowa’s House representatives. Beyond that, there are our legislators in the Iowa House and Senate, where the changes that occur locally truly are initially determined. Whether or not you politically align with the elected politicians, it is important to know who they are, what their stances are, and how their choices affect the community.

The politicians are elected and employed by the people, and it is important that we feel that we are being accurately represented by our government.