Not sure where to start?
Stretching is often associated with working out, but it is also beneficial after you have been sitting and working for awhile. Try getting up to stretch or walk around at least once an hour.
April 27, 2021
The self-care that you decide to pursue does not need to be huge or take up a specific amount of time—start small.
As a junior, AP student-athlete at Dubuque Senior High (DSH) described, “Some days are more work than others. . .I feel that sometimes I miss out on relaxing at home because I am so busy.”
So, how can you better organize your schedule for self-care? Here are 3 ways these practices can be put to work:
For AP students, simple changes of scenery, especially when you are tired, can be very beneficial to getting your mind in a better place.
For athletes, stretching at night can be beneficial to not only physical health but to relaxation and decompression. This is involving something beneficial to your athletic performance, AND your emotional health—it can be done!
For students in general, taking care of your body is important. Getting outside for a walk or a quick run before you start your homework can be most effective to getting you in “the zone”.
Overall, trying out new things and finding out what fits alright for you, is the most important objective. Don’t put too much stress on finding the perfect schedule—adjusts, then adjust again.
It’s okay to take breaks when you need them. Listen to yourself (and body) to strive towards a happier student-life.