Boys XC runners reflect positively on season
Isaiah Schaetzle (11), Evan Wille (12), Drew Weber (9) Connor Kilgore (10), and Foster Hull (10) fight through the pack during an October meet
November 15, 2018
After a hardworking season for the boy’s cross-country runners, they sent off their top varsity runner Isaiah Schaetzel to state on October 27th in Fort Dodge, Iowa. The cross-country team positively reflected on their season.
Andrew Weber (9), who made varsity after their first meet, stated “cross country is one of the most team-oriented sports because in order to do well, you need the whole team to. One person can’t stick out above the rest of the team.” Foster Hull (10) talked about his second-year on the cross-country team saying, “all my teammates are always supportive and encouraging”.
Practice was for about three to four hours every day after school and even on Saturdays.
One of their longest runs was “to the Walgreens on JFK, then down Grandview to Mount Caramel, and back up to Senior” Zachary Kahle (10) said. The run is about 12 miles and helps the runners get ready for the meets to come.
These runs made a difference. “Work[ing] hard and improve[ing] was something that was stressed by our coach and it’s clear to see that it works because we improved every time we ran” Andrew Weber said.
The Ram Fam is proud of all the boys on the team and hope they keep up the good work!