Decorate or wait?

The choice of when to decorate for the winter holidays is a tough one


As the month of November progresses, or rather starts, our first world society seems to take on a great toll of debate. Not only because of the midterms (VOTE if you’re eligible!), but because of the real issues: when to decorate for the holidays.

As I was driving through my neighborhood the day after Halloween, I found my mother getting increasingly bothered at the amount of Christmas and holiday lights already up. As I looked over, I found that she was actually angry about the situation. That’s when I realized I live with an avid member of the “after-Thanksgiving-decorator” group.

The reality of the situation is that we want to constantly decorate our houses for the seasons that are not summer. Because during summer, what else is there to do but stick an inflatable pool in your yard? And even then, its Iowa and a million degrees or 99% humidity so enjoying your sweet Shark shaped pool or pizza slice shaped floatie isn’t even fun. Summer decorating is a fan spraying a lovely breeze in your direction and maybe a few flags for the 4th of July, but that’s really it.

Halloween decorating can only take us so far. The question is “what holiday is more worthy of our attention after the conclusion of spooky season?” The various December holidays, or the celebration of killing turkeys, mass colonization, and perhaps even genocide? I’d prefer the former for numerous reasons, but that might just be me.

Additionally, holiday decorating has turned into a kind of sport. There are shows about this stuff, but I’ve never heard of a competition series around decorating or baking for Thanksgiving. I have, however, heard of one for Halloween and Christmas and that seems to say something.

Another factor in need of examination is the fact that Thanksgiving has the dumbest decorations around. Yes, there’s the option of a hand turkey on the fridge, and maybe a sign that says “Thanks for Giving”, but what else? Turkeys didn’t even have anything to do with the actual feast of Thanksgiving in the first place, but alas, they are half of the choices in decor for the holiday.

December, however, brings holidays for multiple cultures around the world. Even if one does not partake in the celebration of various religious or cultural events, the idea of Santa and literally every other Christmas or holiday story are most likely to be enjoyed. Films like Home Alone, Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story, Elf, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, Frosty the Snowman, the ENTIRE Hallmark channel these next few months, Die Hard, and The Polar Express are bound to be on your TV or laptop at least once this season.

With the December and winter holidays, there are options. Don’t like the popular red and green? Hit us with a blue and white Winter Wonderland. Hate Santa? Give us some respectful and individual religious decor, or cover your house with 25,000 lights a la Clark Griswold.

Ultimately, it’s never too early for holiday decorations, as long as it is after Halloween. Christmas or other holiday lights are associated with joy, and that is all these decorators are trying to bring you.

No matter how early, try to appreciate the festivities and love your community is attempting to bring you in these crazy times. Look at them and share the appreciation for high spirits instead of getting angry at it.